Energy and Smart Building Industry Blog

The EEI National Key Accounts Workshop Goes Virtual for 2020


The EEI National Key Accounts Workshop has gone virtual this year and runs from Tuesday, October 6th to Wednesday, October 28th. Just like every other tradeshow, the normally in-person event has changed its format from several days in a great location to a series of interactive sessions and webinars throughout the month. If you are interested, register for free. As always, the event covers the most current energy industry topics to educate and connect corporate customers and energy industry experts and vendors.

While we will certainly miss the epic PhoenixET After Party this year, we look forward to the next time we can all wear silly costumes. In the meantime, do register for this event to learn the latest and greatest in C&I energy management.

EEI encourages companies to attend if they are looking to:

  • Convey company concerns and energy priorities to electric companies
  • Manage corporate energy expenses
  • Build new locations or retrofit existing​ facilities
  • Explore existing or customer energy-efficiency incentive opportunities
  • Explore sustainability initiatives

PhoenixET has a virtual exhibitor profile as part of the event where we are making a lot of great content available. 

EEI exhibitor profiles will remain "open" online until March 1st, 2021 for anyone to visit. EEI's full workshop agenda can be accessed here, with highlighted sessions covering:

  • What's Ahead for the Electric Power Industry
  • Economy and Energy Supply Market Updates
  • Let's Talk About Carbon
  • Fleet Electrification: What's Next and What's Needed?
  • Resiliency Matters
  • What's Next for Corporate Customers

These annual workshops are an invaluable resource that we highly support. Registration and attendance is free.  

Register for EEI Fall 2020

Additional Resources:

Shopper and Employee Comfort and Safety in a COVID-19 Environment
Driving Comfort and Safety Across PetSmart's 1,600 Stores During COVID
Building Intelligence Just Got Better - Introducing BI 2.0

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