EnterpriseDX® PLATFORM

Demand Manager™

Adjust HVAC and refrigeration systems within designated zones and subsystems by dynamically modifying and fine-tuning predefined conditions.

Take Control of Your Building Assets Now

Multi-Action Strategies

Manage demand at the subsystem level for expert-level strategies like load cycling and other curtailment strategies to avoid affecting staff or customers.

  • Build strategies that automatically react to zone temperature, schedules and more!
  • Know that you'll meet any demand events by pre-creating contingency plans.

Control Actions at Subsystem Levels

Avoid affecting staff or customers.

  • Implement expert strategies like load cycling in a few clicks.

Work Across Multiple BAS Without a Meter

Manage demand at more of your locations than even advanced programmable control systems.

  • Take the struggle away from managing your DR strategies from your BAS controllers location by location.

Take Control of your Building Assets Now

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Take Advantage of our Strong Partnerships

Digital TransformationDemand ResponseCarbon ManagementBuilding Automation SystemsFacilities Management SoftwareFacilities Equipment IoT devicesEnergy As A Service

Demand-side activities

Your company's best chance to control costs and energy use.

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Manage demand across multiple BAS types to meet your energy cost and load objectives 

No need for sacrificing customer comfort or installing additional hardware or meters.

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Take Control of Your Building Assets Now!

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