The Right Technology
Proprietary Gateway Library
Your buildings are equipped with millions of dollars in controls hardware. Phoenix Energy Technologies was founded to protect your investment in that hardware. That’s why our proprietary library of more than 50 gateways was built. No other company comes close in commercially available, production ready systems. And, since some of these systems are no longer accessible for protocol emulation, PhoenixET is the undisputed leader in Honeywell and Novar.
True IoT
Many energy software providers have read-only access to the resident control systems. While it’s nice to be able to report and consolidate the data, Phoenix Energy Technologies knows your ability to COMMAND endpoints and schedules from wherever you are is the key to flexibility and efficiency.
With nearly a quarter million machines including not just HVAC and lighting, but other systems you need to run your business, we can connect to more control systems than any other provider.
EnterpriseDX speed and efficiency
Only Phoenix Energy Technologies offers large multi-building enterprises the flexibility of our Enterprise Data eXchange (EDX) solution. Whether you want to control your smart buildings, have us do it, or build a hybrid model, the access, visibility, and permissions can be controlled just the way you want it. By using a single solution, you can analyze and interpret the needed changes for one or many devices at a time, and then command those changes in minutes. What could take hours or even days to program directly into a control system, can now be done in a fraction of the time.