The Right Results
Trusted by the world's best businesses
More than 15,000 buildings around the world are managed and commanded by PhoenixET’s platform. We survey our customers regularly and ensure satisfaction for each and every one.
Phoenix Energy Technologies was awarded 2017 Supplier of the year by PRSM.
Read more case studies here.
Achieving real savings
While each client is different, most clients are aiming for savings in the millions of dollars per year. We make a minimum commitment during the contracting phase, and always seek to exceed the savings plan. Our savings calculations are agreed upon at the start, and we have total transparency through our EnterpriseDX® platform, so you can see the savings adding up for yourself.
Real-time results through EnterpriseDX® Building Intelligence
You can use the EnterpriseDX® platform to monitor, command, and manage your buildings, but we also want to help you manage your management. We want you to be able to clearly identify and communicate your successes and build business cases for new savings opportunities. With EnterpriseDX® Building Intelligence, you can see your results in real-time, using the nine standard reports or views you create yourself. Then of course you can utilize the integrated system to make any changes you’d like, right on the spot.